Country: Ukraine, United Kingdom
Year: 2023
Language: No Dialogue
Subtitles: No Subtitle
Runtime: 6 mins.

Kyiv in 2022. A car races at breakneck speed through the city at dawn. Filmed from a subjective camera angle in a single unedited shot, this contemporary remake of Claude Lelouch’s film C’etait un rendez-vous captures the emotions in a state of emergency caused by the war.

Nadia Parfan

Ukrainian filmmaker and producer with studies in Anthropology. Heat Singers (2019) premiered at Visions du Réel and was awarded Best Documentary by both the Ukrainian Film Critics Association and the Ukrainian Film Academy.

Director: Nadia Parfan
Cast Diana Berg, Olena Tiger
Cinematography: Denys Melnyk
Production: Nadia Parfan, Iryna Kovalchuk, Ilia Gladshtein
Screenplay: Nadia Parfan
Editing: Nadia Parfan
Sound: Margaryta Kulichova


12:00 (Horario CST)
Teatro Estudio

San Miguel de Allende
15:00 (Horario CST)
Teatro Santa Ana